Τετάρτη 30 Μαΐου 2007

Speed Up Windows Vista: Lose What You Don't Need, Continued

Speed Up Windows Vista: Lose What You Don't Need, Continued:
"You can almost certainly disable some services that start automatically by default:

* Computer Browser
* Distributed Link Tracking Client
* IKE and AuthIP IP Keying Modules
* Offline Files
* Remote Registry
* Tablet PC Input Service (unless you're using a tablet PC)
* Windows Error Reporting"

Fix to copy large files in Vista faster

Fix to copy large files in Vista faster:
"To disable Auto Tuning and speed up the copy process and avoid timeouts and disconnects do the following:

Open a command prompt and type the following:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

To turn it on again:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal"

Δευτέρα 28 Μαΐου 2007

Πέμπτη 24 Μαΐου 2007


H NOVACOM ιδρύθηκε από εξειδικευμένα στελέχη πληροφορικής και συμβούλους επιχειρήσεων. Αποστολή της επιχείρησης είναι να λειτουργήσει ως στρατηγικός συνεργάτης επιχειρήσεων και οργανισμών, παρέχοντας υπηρεσίες μεγάλης προστιθέμενης αξίας και ποιότητας, τεχνογνωσία, ευελιξία, αποτελεσματικότητα και αποδοτικότητα. Σκοπός της NOVACOM είναι να αποτελέσει πολύτιμο επιχειρησιακό πόρο. Βασικές αρχές και αξίες της NOVACOM είναι το ήθος, ο επαγγελματισμός, το συνεργατικό πνεύμα, η αφοσίωση και πίστη στους στόχους που έχει θέσει ο συνεργάτης της και τέλος η διαρκής εξασφάλιση συγκριτικού και ανταγωνιστικού πλεονεκτήματος για πελάτες – συνεργάτες της.

Παρασκευή 11 Μαΐου 2007

Δευτέρα 7 Μαΐου 2007

Google Command Line Search Page

This page has about 50 Google command line functions. There is a search box at the bottom that follows you around the web. Type "/news Iraq" and go to Google News results for Iraq. Type "/maps Boston" and go to Google map of Boston. Cool resource.

read more | digg story

Τετάρτη 2 Μαΐου 2007

Accessing OMA and getting "item no longer exists" error message? - E-Bitz - SBS MVP the Official Blog of the SBS "Diva"

Accessing OMA and getting "item no longer exists" error message? - E-Bitz - SBS MVP the Official Blog of the SBS "Diva": "This worked for me:

1) Go to Start/Server Management

2) Expand out Advanced Management/Internet Information
Services/servername/Web Sites/Default Web Site and then right click on the
/exchange-oma virtual directory and select Properties.

3) Make sure that the local path has the domain name that matches your
Primary SMTP address from the Default Recipient Policy.. (or you could copy
paste it from the local path setting of the /exchange virtual directory)

4) If you do change the /exchange-oma virtual directory, then go to a
command prompt and run iisreset (keep in mind that this will temporarily
stop/start your web sites (like companyweb) and parts Exchange)

5) Then restart the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service from
Start/Administrative Tools/Services "


Slashdot: "'Forbes has up an article on the consequences of being dumped into a claimed 'supplemental index', also known as 'Google Hell'. It uses the example of Skyfacet, a site selling diamonds rings and other jewelery, which has dropped in Google's rankings and saw a $500,000 drop in revenue in only three months after the site owner paid a marketing consultant to improve the sites. The article claims that sites in the supposed 'supplemental index' may be visited by Google's spiders as infrequently as once per year. The problem? Google's cache shows that Google's spiders visited the site ss recently as late April. 'Google Hell is the worst fear of the untold numbers of companies that depend on search results to keep their business visible online. Getting stuck there means most users will never see the site, or at least many of the site's pages, when they enter certain keywords. And getting out can be next to impossible--because site operators often don't know what they did to get placed there.''"